Friday 18 December 2015

Friday 18th December

The temperature outside may be warmer, but the rainfall is on the increase again today, global warming you might say... A friend from Adelaide commented on it being so warm out there, "even the cold water is warm coming out of the tap".... Morven sent through the figures from the International Goose count from Tuesday and Wednesday this week. The tally worked out at 43,883 Barnies, 4644 Whitefronts and 596 Greylags. Thanks to Morvern and the team from SNH for these figures. Mandy had been out helping on both the days and close to Lossit Farm on Dunlossit Estate, a Kestrel was seen on Tuesday. On Wednesday, another Kestrel was seen off the Glen road near to Loch Fada. A Sparrowhawk was at Ardlarach while a Pinkfooted Goose amongst the Whitefronts at Mulindry.

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