Monday 29 July 2013

Monday 29th July

A quieter day again in some ways... I awoke this morning at the back of 4 o'clock and smelt burning, it was like grass/ heather burning, but could not see anything out and about. When I did get up after 6 am, the smell was not as strong but still lingering in the air. I spoke to a friend in the Fire service later on and he knew nothing about a fire... so am a bit puzzled about that!!! Yesterday evening, up on the garage that we are getting built, there were over 50 Starlings on the roof couples and also a few House Sparrows having a look around as well. Today on the overhead wires, 24 Swallows were perched up, youngsters out and about no doubt. Today, the weather has been sunny and really heavy showers thrown in for good measure. Dave down on the Oa has still got a Corncrake calling away in his garden, out on Loch Kinnabus Dave had a Tufted Duck with 3 ducklings. On one of the silage fields on the reserve, there was a flock of 60 Twite.

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