Friday 21 January 2011

Friday 21st January

Campbell from Port Charlotte was up yesterday giving me a hand with some fencing, and during the conversation he started to describe this bird he had seen down at Foreland on his way up here. After a bit of coaxing and prodding, by Campbell's description, I reckon that it was one of the Red Kites he had seen! Another topic that came up through the day, was that the Ravens are starting to pair up and it will not be that long before they are nesting again. Another interesting point from Campbell was that he had noticed quite often before we get cold weather, the Lapwings flock together.
James had done a Goose count on the reserve at Gruinart today, with the "scores on the doors" coming through at 9,555 Barnies, 226 Whitefronts, 1 Canada hutchinsii sp, 42 Greylag and a Peregrine out on the salt marsh. James said that the figure for the Barnies was a high count, especially with most of the geese roosting up after eating through the night with the recent full moon. It will be interesting to see the figures through for the International count carried out on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.

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