Friday 30 April 2010

Fri 30th April

Yes, I realise that this is not a bird, but on consultation with Danny Arnold, I am reliably informed that it is a female Emperor Moth seen along in front of the cottages today. A Small Tortoiseshell was seen up at Shepherd's cottage and also 7 Twite in the garden.
Another piece of good news today is that the Barn Owl on the "Owlcam" at the Islay Natural History Trust laid her first egg last night, spotted by a lady in the Scottish Borders who e mailed through at 04.33 to tell me so, not that I was up!
A great day for birds one way and another, John Molloy one of the visitors returned home tonight, but had seen some Little Terns at Ardnave yesterday. At Gruinart, 3 calling Corncrakes were heard this morning and the Garganey was still present, but no sign of the Little Egret. The flock of Golden Plover were still present between Coul and Rockside, and the 2 Pink footed Geese were at Rockside with 12 Whitefronts.
Along at Sunderland, the Hares were out boxing in several of the fields this morning, and there this evening we had 36 Whimbrel in one group. Down at Bruichladdich were a few Purple Sandpiper, some Rock Pipits and 28 Turnstone, needless to say no camera.... Later on we were fortunate to see a Short eared Owl, and then a Cuckoo close at hand and finally we saw 21 Red Deer together in an inbye field, down grazing instead of being on the hill!
6 Sedge warblers were heard down in the reed bed at the Coastguard cottages.

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